In Japan Prostitution is illegal, and is classed as penetrative intercourse. Because of this, there are businesses which deal in “Servicing” customers in other ways. There are many businesses which deal in 、Japanese girl are polite, sensitive and kind so men who behave violently or do not adhere to the rules are not welcome. So for the sake of enjoying Japanese sensuous nightlife, please observe our rules and remember your manners. JAPAN ESCORT
- サイト名
- 対応端末
- パソコン/スマートフォン
- 掲載料金
- ■基本料金 Aプラン:38,500円/月 Bプラン:27,500円/月 Cプラン:16,500円/月 ■オプション料金 【限定”20枠”】全国エリアバナー:11,000円/月
- 管理画面
- あり